Writing coaching

Work efficiently

Be accountable

Get your writing done

Do you find it almost impossible to get your academic writing tasks done?

I get it. I know that many graduate students, academic staff members and medical researchers have been sitting on their drafts for weeks, months, or even years. They feel overwhelmed, bored or scared, and they just want it finished and submitted.

Some people find it difficult to prioritise the tasks in their ever-growing list of 'things they are supposed to do each week'. As I've learned while giving writing workshops at universities around Australia, the result is that writing falls to the bottom of the to-do list and therefore never gets done.

For others, the issue is that they have moved onto a new research project and, over time, have lost interest in writing up their previous project. However, while their interest has waned, they feel guilty, knowing that they really should be putting their work out into the world.

There are also many people working in clinical settings who have never received formal training in how to write an academic journal article, leaving them feeling unsure as to how to get started.

I also know that for many graduate students, it can feel like they will never finish their thesis. They are scared to ask for feedback and feel that they don't know enough, so they decide that they should read more rather than actually write something.

And carers have their own set of challenges. The demands on their time can feel relentless and yet they are supposed to turn up to work as if they have nothing else to worry about.

How do you know if you need a writing coach?

If you can relate to any of the following statements then coaching may be right for you:

  • You aren't making time to get to the computer to work on your manuscript.
  • If you manage to find time to write, you end up wasting it reading what you did last time or going down the rabbit hole of literature searches.
  • You have a draft but keep fiddling with it rather than sending it to your co-authors or submitting it to the journal.

How does the program work?

You will get access to my e-course, Clear, concise and compelling, which teaches you how to write, submit and publish efficiently.

We'll have a 50-minute call on Zoom to set two goals for the next 30 days: one goal related to actions (e.g. how many times each week you will put aside for writing) and one goal related to outcomes (e.g. you will have a draft of your manuscript done).

Each week, you will have the opportunity to send me a short sample of text so that I can edit it and give you feedback. Or, you can send me a dot-point outline of a section that you are writing.

You will be able to contact me any time by text or voice note, using the Voxer app. I commit to responding once per day on weekdays. You can contact me to celebrate success or vent about a difficulty. You can seek accountability or ask for coaching.

Most of the time, my response over Voxer will be enough to help you keep moving. But if I think we need a conversation, I will schedule a short phone or Zoom chat.

What does the program cost?

The cost for this writing coaching program is A$1000+GST for one month of support.

(Many of my clients have successfully obtained funding from their institution to pay for this coaching package. I would be happy to provide some information if you need it to apply for funding.)

Over the month, you will have unlimited Voxer support and access to my online course which takes you step by step through my writing process. You get to keep the course materials after we finish working together so that you can use them for future publications

(Note that if you bought the course in the past then you don't need to buy it again, so the cost for one month of coaching drops to A$500+GST.)

After the first month, you can continue with Voxer support for A$500+GST.

What's the next step?

Contact me through the Get in touch page to schedule a free, 20-minute discovery call. On the call you can find out more about coaching and whether it's right for you.

Malini’s coaching feels incredibly grounded in an understanding of both the ECR experience and the fundamentals of the academic writing process. I think this why I come away from every coaching session feeling deeply understood and with such clear and tangible strategies to move forward with my research and writing.

Malini’s coaching has supported my writing confidence on many levels. I have an emerging, deep confidence in the value of what I have to contribute to the literature and community, and of the kind of researcher and writer I want to be. To be able to write with this emerging confidence is so much more enjoyable and productive!HC, ECR

I finally passed! Only minor corrections! Thank you sooooooo much! I couldn't have done this without your help. Thank you especially for helping me get across the finish line. There were so many times when I wanted to give up, and you encouraged me so much. I don't think there are any words to describe how grateful I am for all you have done for me!

CL, PhD student and clinician

Prior to working with Malini I would have said there were no emotional blocks to my writing. Even after three sessions, I am beginning to understand that there can be emotional blocks – even if you don’t actively feel them all the time. I am now beginning to work on unpacking my thoughts about writing and I am discovering things I definitely could not have done without a coach. There is one paper I have been ‘stuck’ on for about a year, and I have finally begun to make real progress on it, thanks to Malini.KS, Lecturer and ECR

Thank you for all of your support last year through the coaching and writing sessions that allowed me to reach this point. I have learnt so much about myself through your teachings and have gained new confidence in myself and my writing.

ES, PhD student

Malini’s guidance enabled me to write effortlessly and quickly. Her framework and approach to writing is so simple it defies belief; I can’t believe that I have struggled with writing for so long! What I love is that I can keep going back to the course work for each paper to cement my learning. I wish I had discovered Malini 15 years ago at the start of my research career, — I would be so much further ahead now.

VP, Clinical associate professor

I am talking to everyone who will listen just how valuable it has been to receive coaching for my writing from Malini! Through our sessions I have learned clear processes for writing that I can replicate across all my work. I’ve also learned strategies for combating writers block and fitting writing into my busy work week rather than after hours. Malini also prompted me to think about writing outside of academia, and I have since developed the confidence to move out of my comfort zone and write for news media.

BJ, Senior research fellow