Academic Writing Community

Prioritise writing every day

Gain momentum on your writing projects

Have a sense of belonging

If you’re a PhD student, early-career researcher or senior academic who feels frustrated at your lack of writing output …

you’re in the right place.

(Especially if you’re looking to actually enjoy the writing process rather than hating it.)


I’m Malini, an ex-academic, professional editor and qualified coach, and I have spent the past 10 years helping academics create a regular writing ritual so that they can get published faster.

I remember working with my first few clients and seeing them:

  • not able to prioritise writing time
  • getting to the computer but then getting distracted
  • feeling isolated and losing their motivation for their work.

More than anything — I remember how desperately they wanted to get their journal articles done and how impossible that goal seemed to them.

So, at the height of the first Covid lockdowns in 2020, I created the Academic Writing Community, to help academics (and students!) get back to a regular writing practice as well as feel a sense of belonging as part of a supportive community.

(Without unrealistic word count goals or “just do it” advice that seems more suited to robots than humans.)

  • Set realistic writing goals and actually hit them
  • Gain momentum on your writing projects
  • Have that sense of belonging that humans need to feel good!

The Academic Writing Community is like the secret corner of the internet where people actually have fun while writing!

When you join, you’ll get access to:

  • an online platform (no, not Zoom!) that you can access 24/7
  • proven tips and strategies for academic writing, that actually work
  • connection with like-minded academics who are writing because they want to share their knowledge with the world, not just to add another publication to their CV.

As I mentioned above, this is for the academic (or graduate student) who’s done trying to stay accountable to themselves and is ready for a supportive and structured approach to becoming a prolific writer.

Now, to be clear …

You can do this alone.

You can decide that you’re going to write at a certain time each day and then stick to that schedule.

In fact, if you are able to do that then I encourage you to continue doing it.

But if you want to look forward to your writing time, not just because you’re going to be productive but because you enjoy seeing familiar faces who are also making progress with their writing — for less than you’d spend on a cup of coffee each day — keep reading. 🙂

Ready to join the only community on the internet where academics at different stages of their career are supporting you, celebrating your wins and commiserating with you if your manuscript is rejected (because let’s face it, that sometimes does happen)?

Join the Academic Writing Community and get the support and accountability you need to FINALLY finish that journal article and submit it with confidence.

Here’s how the Academic Writing Community works:

  • Come to the hosted writing sessions (most weekdays at 11 am Sydney time) 
  • Use the room anytime to write and connect with others.
  • Get regular encouragement from the community so that you become a confident writer.

So I know that at this point you might be thinking, “What if I can’t come to the live writing sessions every day?”

The good news is that the Academic Writing Community is full of members who are busy with research, teaching and family duties, but they’re still using the community to write more than ever before. 

While I can’t wave a magic wand and change your calendar … you’ll find that even just coming to one co-writing session each week will make a world of difference.

Plus, the virtual room is available 24/7. So you can find other members who are free at the same time as you and organise to meet them there!

Photo by <a href="">Marvin Meyer</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

What can you expect after you join the Academic Writing Community:

  • YOUR FIRST WEEK — You'll have attended your first writing session, be clear on your writing goals and have started building your routine.
  • YOUR FIRST MONTH — You will have settled into a regular writing routine and be enjoying seeing familiar faces in the room each week.
  • YOUR FIRST 10-WEEK TERM — You will have made good progress towards your journal article or thesis chapter. More importantly, you will feel good about your writing.

Next question: “Can I join for a term and then cancel?”

Yep! Absolutely. You can test it out for the term and see how you enjoy it.

In fact, when I first created this community back in 2020 (which was a monthly subscription model) I encouraged people to join, build their writing routine and then go and do it on their own.

However, I underestimated how powerful the community component would be. Many members love to renew because they enjoy the camaraderie of the group. 

I’m not exaggerating when I say that for some of our members, the sessions are the highlight of their day.

So you’re always free to leave. But if you find that the Academic Writing Community gives you exactly what you need to write, submit and publish, I hope you’ll stay.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what Academic Writing Community members are saying:

"This online community provides connection when writing in isolation and guidance on writing structure to help me progress with my writing. It has given me confidence to put words on the page and has encouraged me to seek feedback from my supervisors rather than hide from their gaze.”

“You’ve given me more help with my PhD than my supervisors.”

“I submitted my thesis yesterday. Thank you for all of your support last year through the coaching and writing sessions that allowed me to reach this point. I have learnt so much about myself through your teachings and have gained new confidence in myself and my writing.”

“I look forward to the writing group […]. It is a safe comfortable place to relax and get your headspace right, and know that you are not alone.” 

“I am really enjoying Malini’s writing group and all the valuable support and advice that she gives. Malini fosters a collegial atmosphere for group writing sessions that are an excellent way to share the writing experience with others and to stay on task. I especially love how she shows us that she’s seen all the barriers to successful writing before and that there is nothing that we are experiencing is unusual or hopeless, just part of the process and that everyone gets stuck. It’s easy to feel like we are not good enough when we don’t get out of our own heads.”

And your last question is likely to be, “How much does it cost?” 

The cost of the Academic Writing Community for each 10-week term (in alignment with ACT school terms) is $A100+GST.

Our next term is from Monday 29 April until Friday 5 July, 2024.

However, I also prefer that members have either worked with me before, have bought my e-course (Clear, Concise and Compelling) or have done my workshops at their university. This is to ensure that you are using an efficient process during the 25-minute co-working sessions, rather than simply fiddling with the text.

If you haven’t worked with me before then I can offer you a discount on my e-course if you join the community.

To find out more or to apply, just click on 'Contact me today' below and we can work out if you're a good fit for the Academic Writing Community.