Tips to stop avoiding your academic writing

Malini DevadasWriting

Tips to stop avoiding your academic writing

You know you need to be publishing your research and yet you seem unable to get started or make time to work on your papers. Working as an academic writing coach, I see various reasons for my clients not getting their writing done. It’s easy to say, ‘I’m too busy’ and avoiding your academic writing. But let’s look at some … Read More

How to shorten your sentences

Malini DevadasWriting

Overly long sentences are a common problem in academic writing. I say ‘overly long’, rather than just ‘long’, because we need a variety of sentence lengths in our writing, just as we do in our speech. Having every sentence super short makes writing sound choppy. However, a common barrier to comprehension is when every sentence is too long, so that’s … Read More

When you say yes to others, you say no to yourself

Malini DevadasWriting

I’ve built a business upon the realisation that so many academics just aren’t writing their journal articles. When I ask people why that is, they reply that they don’t have time. When I dig a little deeper, to find out why they don’t have time, it turns out that it is because they are so busy helping everyone else who … Read More

What’s your fear about submitting your article?

Malini DevadasWriting

What’s your fear about submitting your article?

I’ve just spent the last week in Los Angeles, learning new coaching techniques and also attending a business workshop where I had to look within and face my fears. It was confronting, as I realised that the biggest impediment to my business is myself, but also rewarding, as I realised that I can control what I do. Although I’m no … Read More

Improving the writer-editor relationship

Malini DevadasWriting

In the ideal world, writers and editors work as a team and here are some things to consider when improving the writer-editor relationship.

In the ideal world, writers and editors work as a team, both committed to making a document the best it can be. Of course, as with any relationship, this can be a challenge, including in the academic setting. Whether you are a graduate student writing a thesis, a supervisor of a graduate student, or a co-author on a paper, grant … Read More

It’s OK to seek writing support

Malini DevadasWriting

Like any skill, we get better the more we do it. There are people who can help you at each stage of writing your article & it's OK to seek writing support.

Somehow an idea has taken hold that if English if your first (or only) language then you shouldn’t need help with your academic writing. I’m not sure why people believe this; after all, every great work of literature has been edited by a person other than the author. More than one person, in fact. But writing support is so often … Read More